It works without any problems, which makes it unique in the AppStore. It finally makes it possible to use the default keys your mac provides to control the playback and it syncs seamlessly with my account.
Still, Im not completely satisfied. The interface - while functional - is just not on par with the original web app google provides. I wish the developers would take their design clues more from google than from iTunes. But even compared to iTunes, the app is lacking. The interface just doesnt feel as if its made from one piece, the playback-buttons seem a bit awkward, both in their placement as in their design. Thats even more true for the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down and the "Instant" buttons as they are displayed in the "all music" view. Too much colour.
Those criticisms aside, was the app worth what I payed for. Definitely yes. I would buy it again.
Henry Tennenbaum about Gear Music Player, v1.4.16